Terms of Engagement
The Rene Caisse Herbal Tea is a traditional herbal remedy to support health and well-being. However, no claim is made as to the efficacy of any herbal products supplied by the Clouds Trust. It should be noted that the degree of benefit obtainable from the herbal tea or other herbal products might vary between people with similar health problems.
Please complete and return this form with your first order – Thank you.
- The Rene Caisse Herbal tea is not a substitute for professional medical advice and/or treatment.
- You are responsible for contacting your GP about any health concerns, particularly if you are taking any medication or other health products. This is necessary because of any possible interaction between your medication/treatment and the herbal tea.
- If you are not being treated by your GP, you should still advise him/her that you are taking herbal remedies.
- Do not take the tea if you are pregnant or intending to become pregnant.
Please complete and return this form with your first order – Thank you.